01 here I am again
Luke 15:11-32
Here I am again
Comin’ to You now
Longin’ for Your love
Longin’ for Your power
Been searchin’ for a way
To make it on my own
But now I realize
I need to come back home
And here I am again
It just takes me a little awhile
Until I understand
‘Til I become a child
So won’t You hold me close
And gimme what I need
Oh here I am- I’m fallin’
I’m crawlin’ on my knees
I can’t take it- I can’t fake it
I can’t make it without You
Oh-what a fool I’ve been
Thinkin’ I go around
Livin’ my life without You- but
Oh no I can’t pretend that I
Have it all together
So- here I am again
And here You are again
I can’t believe it’s You
After all my pride
And all I put You through
You’d think You’d had enough
You’d think You’d turn away
But You gimme another chance
New mercies everyday
Oh- I go ‘round in circles
Over I get beat and broken
Still there You wait for me with
Your love and Your arms wide open
Here I am- comin’ home- once again
What a fool I’ve been- Here I am again
Lyrics: Christine Vales
Music: Christine Vales & Plink Giglio
© 2012 Christine Vales
02 masterpiece
Ephesians 2:10
I don’t always like
What I see in the mirror
And my face ain’t getting any clearer
And these jeans
Well they’re fittin’ pretty tight
This battle for beauty is an uphill fight
I wake up in the mornin’
And the war is on
Magazines and beauty queens
Channel and Revlon
Everywhere I turn I start to compare
And I hate this envy
It gets me nowhere- but
You say I am
And what You say is true
I’m a masterpiece created by You
Because You say I am
And what You say is true
I’m a masterpiece created by You
Oh ‘cause You say
Oh ‘cause You say- I am
This world keeps tellin’ me
That I’m not good enough
And if I change a thousand things
Well I just might be loved
And I’ve bought these lies so long
I’ve been tricked and deceived
Oh father help me
Won’t You help me to believe- that
I don’t wanna fall
Into the pattern of this world
I wanna see things from Your view
‘Cause beauty fades
And charm does deceive
And I really need to stand
Upon Your truth
So help me know the Truth
And I don’t always see
What You see in the mirror
But then You remind me and You
You draw me nearer
I’ll keep runnin’ right back to You
‘Cause no one loves me
The way that You do- ‘cause
Lyrics and Lyrics by Christine Vales
© 2012 Christine Vales
03 oh to be the moon
(Rock Ballad Version)
Psalm 19:1-3
Oh to be the moon
Is what I want to be
To be a mirror way up high
And to be the moon
I’d be set apart
Shining brightly
In a dark blue sky
To be a reflection
Of The Mighty One
To be a testimony
When we cannot see the sun- and
Shine Shine Shine
With a light that’s not my own
Down upon a world
That can’t live without You- and
Climb Climb Climb
Higher to become
A better image of the Son
Oh to be the moon
You illuminate my life
With the falling of Your rays
Into the craters of my heart
And through each phase of mine
You never leave me ‘lone
No, You guide me through the darkness
And Your light leads me home
I was so cold and lonely
My heart was hardening
But now I got Your Spirit in me
And all I can do is sing- and
Lyrics & Music: Christine Vales
© 2012 Christine Vales
04 anxious heart
Matthew 11:28-30
Anxious heart of mine
Why do you beat so fast in me?
Worried mind
Your thoughts spin round constantly
Weary soul
Why don’t you stop and get some rest?
Settle down
And lay your head upon His chest- and
When will I surrender
To Your love so tender?
Oh Lord I’m tired of wasting time
And how can I let go
Of this only way of life I know
Oh Lord- won’t You calm this anxious heart of mine
Fear’s on every side
And it strips me of Your peace
My “what if’s” and “whys”
Oh they never seem to cease
“Satisfied” Oh Lord- will I ever be?
I want to trust You
But I get so wrapped up in me- and
And rock my troubled heart to sleep
Whisper my name- Sing over me
And let me know You’ll never leave
So I can rest- though I can’t see just-
Lyrics & Music: Christine Vales
© 2012 Christine Vales
05 waitin’ on me
Psalm 130
I’ve been waitin’ a long time now
I’ve been counting every hour
I’ve been listenin’ to hear Your voice
But the only thing I hear is noise
I’ve been longin’ to see Your face
I’ve been searchin’ for You everyplace
Well don’t You see me cryin’ in the dark
Won’t You satisfy my willing heart?
Then I look to the east and I see
Your sunrise- You break through the night
Then I look to the west and I see
Your sunset- I know I’ve been blessed
Being able to finally see that
All this time- oh I was waitin’ on You
You were waitin’ on me
Funny how I’ve been so blind
While each day held all the signs
Please forgive me Lord for wanting proof
Now I look and all I see is You
And You’re all around me
If I stop and I listen
The air - the trees
And Your love for me
No- I can’t believe
No- No- what I’ve been missin’
Lyrics: Christine Vales & Lorraine Ferro
Music: Christine Vales & Plink Giglio
© 2012 Christine Vales
06 you are here
1 Peter 1:8
I’ve never seen Your face
Or looked You in the eye
But something tells me- You are near
And I couldn’t say I’ve heard Your voice
Or held Your hand in mind
But deep down in my heart
I can testify- that
You are here
Though this room it may seem empty
I know that You are with me
And I’m not alone
You are here
I’m convinced of Your existence
I know that You are listenin’
To my every word
You are here
Some people call me crazy
For puttin’ my trust in You
And for following someone I can’t see
But the longer I know You
I can’t deny Your reality
‘Cause You keep revealin’
Your love to me- I know
I used to think that seein’ was believin’
Oh- but now my view has changed
Now I’m livin’on somethin’ I’ve been givin’
Yeah- I’ve been livin’ on
Oh- I’ve been livin’ on faith- ‘cause
Lyrics & Music: Christine Vales
© 2012 Christine Vales
07 be still
(Jersey Version)
Psalm 37:7
Another day has ended
Another day is done
Another day passes
As I watch the setting sun and I
Sometimes I wonder
As I lay here in the night
I think about the future
The rest of my life
But I know You know my name
I hear You whisperin’ the same
“Be Still”
I wake up in the mornin’
I look up toward the sky
I gaze upon the highway
See those cars passin’ by and I
I wonder where they’re goin’
Where have they been?
What are they seekin’?
What is drivin’ them within?
Well everything is movin
Everywhere I turn
And everything is movin’ around me
Oh- but I know You know me
You know me well
And You have a plan for me
Oh- help me wait and see
The trees are blowin’
In the wind
The leaves are dancin’
As this world spins
All of creation
Is keepin’ time
Your Spirit moves them
In rhythm and rhyme
But what about my life?
What about me?
When will I move out of New Jersey?
I see my pride
Oh- it’s risin’ with the sun
Oh Father help me now
To trust in The One- ‘cause
And Lord- You know I hate to wait
Father help me to have faith
To be still
Lyrics & Music: Christine Vales
© 2012 Christine Vales