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Need a Second Chance...? The Timing could not be better!

Today is Iyar 14.

We are right in the middle of the second month of the year.

The full moon in the night sky reminds us it is the fullness of the month.

It is exactly one month after Passover.

So what else is significant about this day?

It is found in Numbers 9.

The Israelites had been in the wilderness for two years and some of them could not celebrate Passover on Nissan 14, because they had been among the dead.

They wanted to celebrate but couldn't because they were considered "unclean."

Moses said to them..

"Wait, and I will listen to what the Lord will command concerning you.”

The Lord then made a way for them to "pass-over" again.

He gave them a second chance to observe Passover.

As far as I know, Passover is the only appointed time

where the Lord gives us a "second-go-round."

I believe this is because He doesn't want any of us to miss Passover.

He knows we all need redemption and we all need a second chance.

Today, may we meditate on the lovingkindness of Yeshua,

our Passover Lamb...The God of second chances!

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