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The Dawning of Av

Welcome to the month of Av!

We are still squeezing through week 2 of the straits--

but last night - we crossed over into a new month.

Welcome to day one of the month of Av ---

which means Father

This is the month where we are presented with a choice:

To believe and move forward

in the love and goodness of our Father

OR to settle in unbelief.

It is also the month of hearing---

so let's keep our spiritual antennae up to hear our Father's voice👂🏼

I will be posting a chalkboard teaching on the month of Av later this week--- but may these nuggets equip us as we listen to His voice and choose to go forth believing in our Father's love and goodness

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The Calendar & Journal
Here is a tool that can help you see how His prophetic timing is unfolding in your life this year. Click here to learn more about "His AppointedTimes: Hebrew/ Gregorian Calendar & Journal"  
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