Fasting & Feasting on His Word

The Fast of the 10th month
Tevet 10, 5780 = January 7, 2020
In this month of focus and order
the Lord is highlighting fasting💫
Fasting, like any form of discipline,
doesn't seem good at the time— but the physical
and spiritual benefits truly have a great payoff!
The month of Tevet is connected with our liver,
which filters our blood. Fasting is like a filter that not only brings order to our physical bodies— but brings spiritual clarity to our thoughts, prayers and vision.
🙏 👁
Perhaps you fasted yesterday on Tevet 10. If not— consider fasting and prayer sometime
in this month of Tevet and watch how feasting
on His Word 📖 brings life into focus.👁
Let’s begin by chewing on this 📖 Matt 6:16-34 📖